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Opt in to receive updates on pet insurance promotions, and never miss a chance to win. 

  1. Log into
  2. Navigate to the "My Account," then click "Edit" next to "Manage Preferences"
  3. Check "Send me promotional information and alerts related to Nationwide" and save

Friends & Family Program

When you tell friends and family about Nationwide pet insurance, you'll collect SnootLootSM that can be redeemed for pet (and human!) treats. From coffee mugs to chew toys, there's something for everyone and every pet.

It's easy:

  1. Access the Friends & Family program with the email you use for Nationwide pet insurance
  2. Choose email, text or social to connect
  3. Share with friends and family

Start sharing

Program not available in Maine or Washington. See official rules.


The holiday season goes by so quickly! Between festive fun and last-minute shopping for Rooster, it’s hard to get everything done. That’s why we’ve made entering our Deck the Paws contest so easy.

Head over to Instagram and post a favorite holiday photo of your pet with #NWDeckThePawsContest for a chance to win a daily prize. The contest runs through December 13 with winners announced daily.*

*Contest not available in Washington, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire. See contest rules.

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