Extra treats

Save on pet prescriptions

Great news! Nationwide pet insurance members who fill their pet prescriptions at in-store Walmart or Sam’s Club pharmacies can get their claim submitted automatically—all thanks to Nationwide® PetRxExpress℠.

Members who use PetRxExpress℠ save an average of 30-50% on prescription pet medications.* Save time by filling prescription orders while you shop and receive preferred pricing that’s lower than Walmart’s already low prices.

PetRxExpress℠ is a complementary service that is exclusive to Nationwide pet insurance members.

Sample Nationwide PetRxExpress ID card
What are the benefits of using Nationwide® PetRxExpressSM?

PetRxExpress℠ gives you access to lower negotiated rates for your pet’s medications, increasing the value of the prescriptions for both covered and non-covered items.

 There’s more than just savings to love about the program, too. PetRxExpress℠ also makes getting reimbursement easy by automatically filing your claim for you at the pharmacy counter. Just present your pet’s insurance card with your prescription and we’ll take care of the rest. That way, you save both time and money.

How it works:
  1. Bring a written prescription to your local Walmart or Sam’s Club (or have your vet call it in).
  2. Show your Nationwide digital pet insurance ID card at checkout. The pharmacy will enter your policy number to establish eligibility.
  3. Save on your pet’s prescriptions and enjoy the convenience of having your claim automatically submitted.
Pet parent at the veterinarian with dog
Can I still use my vet to fill prescriptions?

Yes. PetRxExpress℠ is completely optional. As always, you can fill your pet’s prescriptions at any pharmacy or veterinarian practice. However, you will need to submit a claim directly to Nationwide.

Visit petinsurance.com/PetRxExpress to learn more. Download your pet's pharmacy ID card today at my.petinsurance.com.


*Vs average US retail pet prescriptions

PetRxExpressSM is available at Walmart or Sam’s Club pharmacies within the 50 states, not including Puerto Rico.

Enjoy Nationwide Perks

The Nationwide Perks program introduces great deals and discounts to pamper your pets and more. Download our app to amplify your savings and enhance the wellbeing of yourself and those you love. Get the app

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

Take advantage of your multi-pet discount when you add a pet to your policy. When covering two or three pets, you can receive a 5% discount. When covering four or more pets, you'll save 10% on your base premium. Visit the member portal to add a pet. 

Enroll a new pet

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