Extra treats
Unique and fun homemade pet Halloween costumes
Looking for a fun, pet-safe costume for your good little ghoul or goblin?
Extra treats
The best products to pamper your pet
The best pets deserve the absolute best of everything. But where do you find the right goods to put your pet in the lap of luxury? We’re here to help.
Pet care
Turkey Day pet safety
Nothing says Thanksgiving tradition like a full plate of tasty treats—enjoyed with beloved friends and family, of course.
Fall 2022
Hambone history: Jack Russell saves owner from home intruder
If you’ve been following our Hambone Awards for some time, you probably remember Kismet.
Extra treats
Animals in unique jobs
Our dogs and cats are great companions and diligent snugglers, but that’s not their only job. Many pets are more than just pets—they also help to...
Fall 2022
Sherlotte's sinking feeling
As COVID-19 restrictions dragged on into several months, Al Falco and his wife, Wei, set out in search of a four-legged companion for their high...
Pet care
Fall allergens
Seasonal allergies aren’t just a problem for humans—our pets are allergic to many of the same things we are.
Summer 2022
The talented people who support our members
When your pet is sick or injured, it takes a special kind of person to resolve your immediate concerns and offer the kind of support that alleviates...
Pet care
4 ways to prevent pets from getting lost
Summer is all about fun in the sun—especially when your pet is there with you. But there’s another side to the season.