Winter Issue

Playful goldendoodle’s winter misstep

How one wrong snowy step led to a fur-ightful situation.

Summer 2024

Train for the Summer Games with these top athlete dog breeds

As many athletes (and aspiring athletes) learn, having a canine companion by your side makes staying active way more enjoyable.
Summer 2024

Peace of mind in one app

Be honest, how many sticky notes or random pieces of paper with your pet’s care info do you have floating around your house? We all have them!
Summer 2024

Tips to prevent your pet from getting lost

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, and what's better than enjoying those sunny days with your furry friends? However, one unfortunate result of...
Extra treats

Member Benefit Spotlight: Save 10% at every vet visit at Petco

Nationwide Pet Insurance Members, your dedication to your pets' health and wellbeing is about to be rewarded in a whole new way. As regular...
Extra treats

Get rewards when you help protect pets

Finding a pet insurance provider can be stressful, but it’s an important step in staying ready for the unexpected.
Spring 2024

Kitten care 101: Setting up your new feline companion

When the weather starts to heat up, so does kitten season. That means from now through fall – longer in warmer climates – there are kittens galore...
Spring 2024

Skunked: Prevention and treatment guide for pet owners

One whiff gives you the news no pet owner wants: Your pet has been skunked! Before you run out for treatment options that don’t work well, read on to...
Spring 2024

Defending your pet: Understanding and preventing heartworm disease

Heartworms are stealthy parasites that can kill your pet, transmitted by a bloodthirsty insect that can make outdoor activities borderline...
Extra treats

24/7 video chat with pet health experts

Your cat just isn’t acting right. Your dog ate something that might be toxic. Your parrot is growing a new feather—but, suddenly, it’s bleeding. What...
Extra treats

Treat yourself and your pets with Nationwide Perks!

We value both you and your pets At Nationwide, we’re about more than just insurance. We value the bond created between you and your pets, considering...
Enjoy great deals and discounts with Nationwide Perks

Nationwide Perks introduces you to great discounts, with savings for both you and your pets. Download our app and start saving today!

Member Perk: PetPlate

Treat your dog with human-grade, vet-designed and chef-quality meals, organic treats and supplements, gently-cooked in small batches in USDA kitchens.

Save 65% off your first PetPlate box with code NATIONWIDE.

New Member Perk: Spleash

Spleash is the amazing handle that holds 12oz of water and attaches to your favorite leash. Turn any leash into a water bowl with just a click!

Use code NW1253 at checkout for 15% off your next purchase. 

Member Perk: Trill Paws

Dogs aren't just pets, they are family and they deserve the best. Shop pet tags and accessories that are inspired by trendy designs and pop culture!

Enjoy 20% off your purchase using code NATIONWIDE20.

Check out some of our other posts!

Ask your veterinarian: Recognizing and managing arthritis in pets

Arthritis is one of the top 10 most common pet insurance claims Nationwide sees annually ...

Winter weather safety tips for pet owners

Short days and long, cold nights make winter the season of snuggling with your ...

Winter activities for your pet

Staying active during the cold winter months isn’t always easy. Short days and chilly ...

Cold weather companions

When the temperature drops, some pets need to put on boots and a sweater—and other dogs ...