Turkey Day pet safety
Nothing says Thanksgiving tradition like a full plate of tasty treats—enjoyed with beloved friends and family, of course.
Fall allergens
Seasonal allergies aren’t just a problem for humans—our pets are allergic to many of the same things we are.
4 ways to prevent pets from getting lost
Summer is all about fun in the sun—especially when your pet is there with you. But there’s another side to the season.
Expert pet advice on summer toxicity
From fireworks to rodenticides to mystery mushrooms, there’s a lot to protect your pet from during the summer. Luckily, VetHelpline® has the answers...
Summer safety for seniors and pets
Summer is here, and with it comes hot days that can quickly become unsafe for both seniors and companion animals.
CBD for pets: Pros and cons
CBD has gone from a niche alternative to a widely used over-the-counter treatment in humans. Increasingly, people are looking to CBD to help pets...
Expert pet advice on plant toxicity
Small dog ingests palm tree pits Redding, our chihuahua, ate three or four palm tree pits around 20 minutes ago. We’re not sure what kind of palm...
Prevent pet poisoning at home
Thousands of pets become seriously ill from ingesting common household toxins every year. March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness month, which was...
Tooth Hurts
Dental health is a major concern for our pets, especially as they grow older. Gum disease and tartar build-up can lead to a host of serious health...