Spring 2022
New high tech pet products
The popularity of apps and mobile devices has driven an explosion in new technology solutions for pet parents.
Spring 2022
Meet our Perk Partner: Trill Paws
What is Trill Paws? Trill Paws is a pet accessory and lifestyle brand based out of Los Angeles, Calif. They create pet tags and accessories that are...
Spring 2022
Expert pet advice on plant toxicity
Small dog ingests palm tree pits Redding, our chihuahua, ate three or four palm tree pits around 20 minutes ago. We’re not sure what kind of palm...
Spring 2022
Prevent pet poisoning at home
Thousands of pets become seriously ill from ingesting common household toxins every year. March is Pet Poison Prevention Awareness month, which was...
Spring 2022
Beloved family dog injures hips in freak golf cart accident
For Bob and Francine Romig, a move to Florida meant a new focus on enjoying the little perks of retirement, starting out with the first cup of coffee...
Research data
Building up resilience with the help of your pets
Resilience becomes more important as we age. Physical, mental and emotional resilience can reduce your likelihood of injury and keep you positive...
Pet care
Tooth Hurts
Dental health is a major concern for our pets, especially as they grow older. Gum disease and tartar build-up can lead to a host of serious health...
Extra treats
See You This Year Sweeps
Keep your friends and family close to your heart this year. Enter to win a set of 4- Amazon Echo Show 8's to share pawesome photos, pet zoomies, and...
Pet care
What is a pet guardian (and why do you want one)?
Nationwide has partnered with FreeWill to provide this article to our readers. It does not constitute legal advice and is not a substitute for an...
Pet care
Preparing your pet for your return to office
In one bit of good news to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic, many animal shelters and rescue organizations reported surges in fostering and adoption...